While this solution might not end up with exactly the result you were looking for, in my experience the things that matter are: With what we've shown so far I believe both these boxes can be ticked. Also keep in mind that while a README can be too long and detailed, too long is better than too short. Django Formsets Tutorial - Build dynamic forms with Htmx. When clicking to update a book there is no way to cancel and go back to the detail view. podados / gist:3085555 Created 10 years ago Star 0 Fork 0 Code Revisions 3 Embed Download ZIP Dynamic django forms example Raw gistfile1.py from django import forms from django. 3. Dynamic Django Forms. models import SphinxDocument, EpydocDocument To make it easy for you to get started with GitLab, here's a list of recommended next steps. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. When you're ready to make this README your own, just edit this file and use the handy template below (or feel free to structure it however you want - this is just a starting point!). dynamic-django-forms is a simple, reusable app that allows you to build (and respond to) dynamic forms, i.e. TriggerEventTypes # Add fields in JSON to dynamic form rendering field. But ultimately decided that these two just don't work well together. . Django Forms. With forms we will have absolute power over our interface - we can do almost anything we can imagine!. MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES (probably at the end): Add 'dynamic_forms.urls' to the URL patterns: Make sure that you get the namespace straight: dynamic_forms! see all other recipients. Step 10: Submit Dweets Using Django Forms Create a Text Input Form Render the Form in Your Template Make Form Submissions Possible Step 11: Prevent Double Submissions and Handle Errors Prevent Double Submissions Handle Submission Errors Step 12: Improve the Front-End User Experience Improve the Navigation Sort the Dweets Conclusion Next Steps Notice that we are using the BookForm here. The form is exactly the same as the HTMX example above. If the request method is a POST request we then pass the request into the form, check if it is valid and then call the save() method. A dynamic form doesnt always have a fixed number of fields and you dont know them when you build the form. Note that when this custom JS runs, the following variables are available: To run an example site, run cd example && docker-compose up. Implement django-forms-dynamic with how-to, Q&A, fixes, code snippets. Want to make it easy? class BookInLineAdmin(admin.TabularInline): from django.forms.models import inlineformset_factory, min_num=2, # minimum number of forms that must be filled in, extra=1, # number of empty forms to display, can_delete=False # show a checkbox in each form to delete the row, from django.shortcuts import redirect, render, books = Book.objects.filter(author=author), formset = BookFormSet(request.POST or None), return redirect("create-book", pk=author.id), return render(request, "create_book.html", context), path(' {{ book.title }} - {{ book.number_of_pages }}Create books for {{ author.name }}