(205) 408-2500 info@samaritancc.org
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Samaritan Coaching and Consulting


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Samaritan Counseling Center is transitioning from professional counseling to professional coaching and consulting, offering assistance and encouragement for addicts actively seeking recovery but still struggling with reaching their goals.

Recovery coaching.

Using the underlying principles of professional coaching and the methodology of the twelve-step recovery program developed initially for alcoholics more than seventy-five years ago, recovery coaching is designed to help addicts identify roadblocks in their recovery program and develop a game plan to achieve abstinence from addictive behavior and to experience long-term sobriety and contentment.

For more information, contact Jim L at jmlong3@samaritancc.org or call 205-240-6599.  If I am unable to answer, please leave a message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Samaritan Coaching services are available without regard to the ability to pay.